28 November 2008

Bucuresti, Brussel, Chisinau / Dan Perjovschi - Colophon

author - Dan Perjocschi

first public release: november 2008
produced by Galeria Posibilă
photos - Bogdan Bordeianu Andrei
DTP - Square Media
concept and layout - Matei Câlția

This book was published with the support of Administration of the National Found - AFCN

Bucuruesti, Brussel, Chisinau/Dan Perjovschi - Purchase order and distribution

134 pages with over 258 duotone illustrations
Published by Galeria Posibila
Price 21,55lei / 5,22 € / 7,23 $
ISBN 978-973-0-05961-8

available at following bookstores:
from 28 november 2008

Anthony Frost - Libraria Engleza, Biserica Kretzulescu, Bucharest

distributed by Galeria Posibila
Str. Popa Petre 6, Bucharest, Romania
tel. +4 021 211 7933